

So, my brother killed Onyxia yesterday. Short story: The 310% mount dropped, my brother got it. I think it's one of the first. There's 4 screenshots on WoWhead. He sold it to another guy in the raid for 10k. Some might find it stupid, but I don't know what to say. We all got different goals to achieve in WoW.

I got a friend who's all about achievements, he's farming mounts and reputation for those achievement points because that's what he likes. He thinks my brother is crazy for not keeping it.

Me on the other hand, I don't care about achievement points, I care about utility. The mammoth with two passengers and repair/vendor on it got utility but the rivendare mount got no utility. Sure, the Onyxia mount is 310% instead of 280%, so it got some utility but for a person without epic flying skill who's not even close to getting it, selling the dragon to pay for your epic flying skill might be the best choice(although he could probably have haggled the price up 50%)

I probably would've kept it because of the extra speed bonus, the extreme rarity and the awesome looks. Sometimes, you have to make exceptions.

I finally found an addon that opens ALL my mail instead of the first 50. It still takes time between each batch with 50 mails, but it's automatic.

I'm noticing an price increase in farmed materials like northrend herbs and ores. Adder's tongue went up from 12g / stack to 22g / stack and does now cost more than a stack of lichbloom. I still got a large stack of herbs that I intend to mill tonight, so I'll be fine for a while.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Do tell what the name of the mail addon! :)

  2. I found it on the JMTC forum, http://20kleveling.com/JMTCforum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1403

    Credits to Zerotorescue. It's not as fast as doing it yourself, since it waits about 5-10 seconds after it refreshed the mailbox before it opens the mail. Still, it's working great and I dont like picking up 1500 mails.
