
My life's work is done!

First of all, I'm sorry for not posting anything for a week. There was a nice and big post but it apparently disappeared. I also forgot my email that I use to log onto the blog.

Now, my life's work is done. What is that you wonder. I'll show you:

Now, what should I do with it? I can vendor it of course. Although, I could also cut it and sell it for more. However, 2000 gems takes a while to cut although the profit is more than double. I'm thinking of advertising in trade. Something like: "WTS JC work. I'll sell you green gems for 40s each. These can be made into cut gems and sold for 50s each(or 1g if you get proc) This is easy profit for little work. I got 2,000 gems so make your order now."

I am also thinking of buying the services for people to mill and make ink for me. I'm a lazy goblin and I think it's going to be a good investment, with less time used on repetitive, half-afk stuff, I'll have more time to do other things, like expand into other markets.

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