
Crafting day

So, today is crafting day. I'm expanding my glyph business so I'm making a lot of glyphs, I don't know how good they will sell though. I'm wondering if I made more glyphs than I got ink to do. I might run out of ink of the sea.

My 4 x 32 slot inscription bags are not enough anymore. I ran out of bag space when I was buying parchments.
I did some more arena yesterday. We're starting to slow down, although our win count is still higher than the loss count, and I'll make it stay that way. I'll blame things such as, my partner having a headache, low fps, stupid mistakes(from blizzard's side, I would never do anything wrong *whistle*). We broke 1k rating yesterday which was an achievement for us. Our next goal is 2k.

Yesterday's milling brought in lots of snowfall ink which resulted in 27 darkmoon cards. The cards gave me enough for new nobles, undeath and chaos deck. I checked the nobles deck and it was on for 3.5k, I bought it up and put my on for 5.5k. I'm most likely going to sell the deck I bought for about 1k more than I bought it for.

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